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Arabidopsis gene expression atlas across developmental time

Experiment Name: Arabidopsis gene expression atlas across developmental time
Accession No. & GeneChip: AT5, ATH1-121501
Submitter: Experimenter: MPI Tübingen, submitted by Lishuang Shen
Experiment Type: development or differentiation
Experiment Factor: genotype
organism part
Number of Replicates: 21
Quality Control Steps: biological replicates
Quality Control Description: None
Publication_id: None
Last Update Time: 2004-06-14 15:10:59
Expression Data
Access & Analysis:

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1. Batch download all data files at Download Center .

2. Browse Hybridizations and boxplots from experiment.

3. Visualization of hybridizations or treatment means with scatterplots and MvA plots.

4. Browse Samples from experiment.

5. Create Gene List by filter probe sets for differentially-expressed genes.

6. Pattern Recognition on filtered gene list.
Description: This experiment data was first submitted to TAIR, and is provided by TAIR for public access.

The details about the AtGenExpress project can be found at: http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/fb15/botanik/mcb/AFGN/atgenex.htm. Coordinator: Lutz Nover, Detlef Weigel and Thomas Altmann.

TAIR's Original Overview About the experiment:

"The MPI Tübingen (Schmid, Lohmann and Weigel labs) have supplied data from 280 Affymetrix arrays, representing 100 experimental treatments."

"This is part of the large collaborative project, AtGenExpress. AtGenExpress was proposed by the German DFG's AFGN (http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/fb15/botanik/mcb/AFGN/AFGNHome.html) project, the US NSF , RIKEN , GARNet, and several smaller groups that will combine resources to use microarray technology to profile gene expression patterns across developmental time and in response to hormones and stress."

"The activity of genes and their encoded products can be regulated in several ways, but transcription is the primary level, since all other modes of regulation (RNA splicing, RNA and protein stability, etc.) are dependent on a gene being transcribed in the first place. The importance of transcriptional regulation has been underscored by the recent flood of global expression analyses, which have confirmed that transcriptional co-regulation of genes that act together is the norm, not the exception. Moreover, many studies suggest that evolutionary change is driven in large part by modifications of transcriptional programs. An essential first step toward deciphering the transcriptional code is to determine the expression pattern of all genes. With this goal in mind, an international effort to develop a gene expression atlas of Arabidopsis has been underway since fall 2003. This project, dubbed AtGenExpress, is funded by the DFG, and will provide the Arabidopsis community with access to a large set of Affymetrix microarray data. As part of this collaboration, we have generated expression data from 80 biologicaly different samples in triplicate. The focus of this data set is on different tissues and different developmental stages in wild type Columbia (Col-0) and various mutants."

BarleyBase downloaded data from TAIR and make our own processing for public query. Based on the experiment description, we splitted the data set into 2 experiment submissions in BarleyBase: 240 arrays are stored in this experiment (BB18), and another 40 arrays stored in another experiment, BB17.
Name: MPI Tübingen
Institution: Schmid, Lohmann and Weigel labs, MPI Tübingen
Head of Laborotary: Coordinator: Prof Lutz Nover


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