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BarleyBase Account Registration 

Log in information:
Login ID:
  Examples: "dairyman88" or "free2rhyme"
Choosing your ID
You will use this information to access your BarleyBase! each time. Once you registered, your Login ID can only be modified by BarleyBase system administrators.Please take your time to choose a satisfying ID for yourself. The password will be sent to your registered email address!
Personal Information:
First Name: Middle:
Last Name:
Primary Job Title:
Laboratory: (optional)
Head of Laboratory: (optional)
Provide your information
This information will let us to learn more about you so that we could serve you better. 
Contact Information:
Street Address:
Telephone: () extension:
Fax: ()(optional)
Homepage: (optional)
How to contact you!
The communication between the user and us is the key to the success of our database.
BarleyBase Policy:
This Policy must be accepted to sign up for a BarleyBase account. The policy are designed to protect and inform you of your rights within the BarleyBase service.
Do you agree to the Policy incorporated therein? Yes No


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All rights reserved.

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