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BarleyBase Current Working Policy for Data Submission and Release:
BarleyBase is committed to making data from the Barley1 GeneChip publicly available to researchers world-wide. The default assumption is that all submissions to BarleyBase are public unless you advise us otherwise during the submission process. Data submissions can be designated as private to the submitter for a period of 90 days. This means that only a user with the proper password can access the data. At the end of the 90 day period, the submitter will be automatically contacted to see if the data can be made public or if additional time is needed due to publication or manuscript preparation delays. If approval for public release has not been received within one year of initial submission, the data will be deleted from BarleyBase.
The submission will be checked for structure and content during curation and only BarleyBase curators have access to the submission during this time. Submissions will be prioritized in the following order:
  • 1. Submissions that are to be made public immediately regardless of publication status.
  • 2. Submissions that require database accession information in page proof.
  • 3. Private submissions that are related to a paper that has not yet been
  • accepted.
  • 4. Private submissions that are related to a paper that has not been submitted.
    Data will not be added to the database until a submission is complete and has been examined by a data curator. If we need to contact you about your submission, please respond as quickly as possible so that there will be no delays in making your data available on BarleyBase. The estimated release time is seven days to make a submitted dataset available on the public BarleyBase database.


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    All rights reserved.

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