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MPT - Microarray Platform Translator Help file

Microarray Platform Translation Type :

You can import list of probe sets or exemplars names in "Source Platform", and get their putative orthologous microarray elements from "Target Platform" based on pre-computed TBLASTX results.
Source Platform: Target Platform:
Provide input for source platform microarray elements:

  *Sample input from  Barley1 and Maize 18K GeneChip 
Max.No. Hits:  best BLAST matches (<=5) to keep for each input sequence. 

Prefered input is a list of microarray element or sequence identifiers, separated by comma, tab, or white space. Free text containing identifiers may also serve as input, where the the input will be automatically purged. But this input type may not always work accurately.
Microarray Platform Translator has been run 4954 times since April 1, 2005 


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