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Visualization of Probe-Level Intensities for Contig2021_at_BB1

R BATCH --slave --no-save testls/R_PHP/probeplotout.txt
1.Plot by Hybridization--Vertical Version
2.Plot by Probe Pair Number--Vertical Version

1.Plot by Hybridization--Vertical Version

Labels on x-axis are probe pair numbers starting from 0 and numbered from 0 at 5' end to 3' end of exemplar sequence, in agree with Affymetrix convention. Lines on each bar are the standard deviation of the probe intensities. When comparing the hybridizations, please notice that different scales are used.

   Alternative Plot : It uses same scale in all plots, showing the relative intensity for all hybridizations and probe pairs.
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2.Plot by Probe Pair Number--Vertical Version

Labels on x-axis are the number of hybridization, i.e. 1 is 1st hybridization. Lines on each bar are the standard deviation of the probe intensity.

     Alternative Plot : It uses same scale in all plots, showing the relative intensity for all different hybridizations and probe pairs.
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