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Create Gene Lists with Gene Filters

Select a Gene Filter Type

Creating or importing Gene Lists is the first step in most gene-centric analysis for microarray experiments. Saved Gene Lists can be managed and used in advanced microarray data analysis methods.

1. Expression Profile-Based Filters    Help

This is the most important type of gene filters. They are mainly used to identify differentially-expressed genes (probe sets).

A. Single Experiment Expression Profile Filter -- Run one or several  filters on one experiment. The filter can also be a composite filter from several filters through Boolean operstors. Filters are based on statistical test, absolute value range, relative and absolute variation, fold of change, MAS5.0 Present/Absent call or other variation measures. 

B. Cross-Experiment Expression Profile Filter -- Run a filter on one or several experiments in parallel.  The probe sets meeting criteria in all selected experiments will be saved to gene list. Different experiments may be  combined to a "single" psudo-experiment for fold change filter.

C. Co-Expressed Genes Filter -- Find probe sets showing similar expression profiles to seed probe set.

 2. Function2Expression -- Biological Filters from Gene Functional Annotation to Expression Profile

This is a collection of gene list creation methods, based on several types of gene functional annotations.

A. GO2Expression --  Browse and search Gene Ontology tree, and retrieve probe sets or genes from selected GO classes.

B. Pathway2Expression -- Find probe sets corresponding to enzymes from your interested metabolic or regulatory pathways. Available for the Arabidopsis ATH1 GeneChip only. Based on KEGG and TAIR pathway data.

C. Domain2Expression -- Creates Gene lists corresponding to predicted InterPro protein functional domains. Most of the functional domain information comes from UniProt, TIGR.  For other non-characterized exemplars, BarleyBase conducts in-house annotation on with InterproScan.

D. GeneFamily2Expression -- Find probe sets corresponding to a given gene family. Available for the Arabidopsis ATH1 GeneChip only.

E. Keyword2Expression -- Find probe sets matching single or several terms in exemplar annotation.

F. Map2Expression -- Finding genes by their genetic map locations,  in order to associate gene expression with known QTLs --Demo for Barley only.

G. BLAST2Expression-- Finding  probe sets whose exemplars have similarity to your own sequences. Cross-Platform is another form of BLAST2Expression.

3. Retrieve Users Own Gene Lists

A. Import Gene List Filter -- You may input a list of probe sets or exemplar names and retrieve their expression from selected experiment. You can input any free text containing the probe set names.
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